Dec. 2023: Randy McGavock: Gone West

Randy passed early morning, Dec 31st, 2023 with his wife Felie by his side. His death came unexpectedly after a very brief illness.

 Here is a note from our President, Preston Hunting.

Dear Members of Montezuma Airpark,

It is with great sadness that I inform you that we lost a good friend and long time member of our great community yesterday.  Randy McGavock has been a vital part and an ever present member for well over 30 years!  He passed early yesterday morning (Dec 31st, 2023) in his home with his beloved wife Felie by his side.

Randy loved to read, especially all things old guns and old airplanes.  He had a sharp memory, he could tell you obscure details about any number of old airplanes without missing a beat. This may be why he did so well in the parts department of the Jeep dealership in Flagstaff.  I’ve been told that he could recited part numbers by memory to meet customers needs. 

Aviation came early in Randy’s life.  He learned to fly as a teenager and proved himself responsible enough to use his father’s Stearman with very little supervision.  The Stearman left an indelible mark on Randy only to be dimmed slightly in later years by the introduction of the Thorp T-18.  It was always enjoyable to hear him talk about his vast knowledge of these two airplanes especially.

When Felie joined him 18 years ago it was obvious he had found new purpose.  It was easy to see that he treasured her greatly. You could often see them together at various places around town or hear stories about their travels together. It was obvious that Felie brought new life and youth to him.  One of his favorite things to do was drive her around to different places as they spent much of their time together. 

Personally I’ve know Randy since the early ’90’s when I use to visited my Grandparents up here.  But more important to me has been having the opportunity to get to know him better over these last years living here.  One thing that has always stood out to me was his quiet respectable demeanor.  He was thoughtful and humble when it came to talking about things he knew very well.  He was also very quick to take instruction and learn.  I really enjoyed flying with Randy as he very rarely became frustrated and had a strong desire to do things better, holding himself to a high standard.  As a young person I communicated often with Randy as he was an avid “texter.”  I could text him at all hours of the day and night and he would get back to me almost instantly.  This being something you wouldn’t expect. 

One last thought I’d like to share here.  I never heard him direct a bad word toward anyone.  Instead when those few times members names were brought up in conversation his thoughts were always given with high esteem.  It was clear to me the respect and appreciation he held of each one of you.  I’m reminded at how life is fragile and doesn’t last near as long as we think or imagine.  All that’s left is tangible memories or lessons taught.  Let us all be a little more like Randy, quick to learn, slow to criticize, and filled with all sorts of good memories.

Randy, you will be missed my friend!

Preston Huntting
MHAP President
(520) 820-0963